Coming soon

Coming soon


Have a 👀 at what I plan to write about in the future.
This list is dynamic and will, of course, outgrow my article writing speed. Whoops.

Pricing series:

  1. Introducing a floor and cap price for transactional services in an online marketplace
  2. Price elasticity of demand: optimising our Buyers protection fee

Making Buyer protection mandatory

  • case, research and experiment

Foundational stats:

  1. Poisson distribution, and modelling daily demand - how I optimised BP fee
  2. When Poisson falls short: Negative binomial, and other alternatives
  3. Dirichlet distribution and it’s use cases in modelling. Bayesian and what else?

Variance reduction techniques (write one by one in depth, then a summary post)

  1. Basics: outliers, winsorisation
  2. Ranking outcome variable


  1. bayesian bootstrap
  2. Horizontal and Vertical markets: networks of product categories and category specialisation in marketplaces